Rest: the most important part of working hard

Andrew Leung
2 min readJul 23, 2022
Photo by Isabella and Zsa Fischer on Unsplash

We live in a society that values and glorifies working, and working hard. There is no denial that hard work can take you very far. But one of the things that comes from working too hard is a tipping point of returns. Where you work hard and continue to work harder, and the output lowers in quality. At that point you need to rest.

Rest is essential to helping prevent burnout and those diminishing returns. Personally, I have been working really hard to bring different side hustles to life and make them viable income streams. But all of this has been very draining and stressful. Part of why I’m writing this is a reminder to myself and to everyone, that we need to take breaks. Its hard to be working hard personally, professionally, and on the side. That is why rest and sleep is important. It gives us a chance to re-focus and re-energize, ready to go and keep working to reach our goals.

The secret to being able to sustain the hard work needed to reach your goal is rest. Quality rest can help bring out the best work in you by re-charging your batteries. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that its ok, to take a break, so that we can keep going.



Andrew Leung

I will be sharing the plain and honest: truths, pros and cons as well as my experiences of Personal Finance, Side Hustles, and Investing.