The best way to improve your focus
There are many times in our life that we will need to focus. In the age of the smartphone and digital technology, focus is something that can be a struggle. The average person’s attention span has decreased year over year. When you need to focus, many people turn to coffee and energy drinks. But improving your focus will make you more effective in every area of life. So lets look at 3 ways that you can improve your focus.
- Limit distractions
Distractions are everywhere and we can’t entirely remove them. So we shouldn’t focus on trying to remove them, what we need to do is limit them. When we limit distractions we also practice learning how to function with the distractions present. We have to continuously make the choice to remain focused on the task at hand. This may seem counterintuitive when we want be focused, but it is important to learn this skill because we don’t always get to control the environment. For example, if you are a college student you may go to the library to study, but you don’t know if there are people who are being loud or who you could run into. Limiting distractions also forces us to think critically about why something is distracting us and how to find solutions. Once we learn how to work with distractions present this gives us greater time to focus.
2. Have time