What is the ghost concept for businesses and side hustlers
Ghost commerce is a newer type of transaction that combines different types of marketing and sales techniques. The appeal for ghost commerce is that you don’t have to carry stock of any products. The products come from another partner who focuses on the sales end of the process. This may seem like affiliate marketing, which has many similarities except for a key difference. Affiliate marketing includes a call to action or a mention of the affiliate links, because these are necessary for the referral process to know where different sales are coming from.
There are multiple ways for you to consider ghost commerce. First, you it is important to note that ghost commerce doesn’t make an explicit mention of the goods or services you are using. This means you are relying on the potential customer to make the mental leap of you are using all of these products, therefore you are supporting them. Now with this in mind, you may be thinking its implied therefore support should be naturally assumed. More often than not unless something is explicitly said it can be hard to determine a point of view. Second, this is more of a commission-based income stream. It is very difficult to set a specific hourly based set of income because this relies heavily on generated content to target specific markets. Lastly, because this is a partnership type of work environment…